Migration in the Malay World with Indonesia-Malaysia at the Core in the Works of National Literature Laureate Arena Wati

(Migrasi Dunia Melayu dengan Induk Indonesia-Malaysia dalam Karya Sasterawan Negara Arena Wati)

  • Norhayati Ab. Rahman Universiti Malaya


Migration refers to the movement of people from one area to another and it involves distance. Migration can occur individually or in groups. In the modern era, people continually migrate either within the country or from one country to another. Normally, migration occurs due to several "push factors" in the place of origin, and "pull factors" in the place of migration. The Malays occupying the core area, Malaysia/Indonesia, and the rest of the Malay archipelago, have gone through the migration process since the days of the ancient kingdom of Champa, and migration continues to the present day. Most of the migration in the Malay world involves various Malay tribes, such as the Javanese, Minangkabau, Riau, Mandailing, Achehnese, Bugis, Banjar, Cham and so forth. In fact, this aspect of migration is an important issue in the works of the National Literature Laureate Arena Wati, as can be seen in his work, for instance Ombak Samudera (Ocean Waves)(1992), Sudara (Brothers)(1994), Sukma Angin (Soul of the Wind) (1999), Trilogi Busa (The Foam Trilogy) (2002) and Warna Sukma Usia Muda (The Colours of a Young Soul) (2005). This paper attempts to discuss the process of migration particularly among the Bugis in Arena Wati's literary works and the factors that influence it, using Everett S. Lee's Migration Theory.

Keywords: migration, Malay world, Malay literature, Arena Wati

Author Biography

Norhayati Ab. Rahman, Universiti Malaya

Jabatan Kesusasteraan Melayu,
Akademi Pengajian Melayu


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How to Cite
AB. RAHMAN, Norhayati. Migration in the Malay World with Indonesia-Malaysia at the Core in the Works of National Literature Laureate Arena Wati. Melayu: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 192-211, july 2014. ISSN 2682-8049. Available at: <https://jurnal.dbp.my/index.php/Melayu/article/view/4509>. Date accessed: 06 jan. 2025.