The Concept Of 'Umran And Its Application In The Malay Archipelago

('Umran dan Aplikasinya di Alam Melayu)

  • Mahayudin Hj. Yahaya Universiti Islam Sharif Ali, Negara Brunei Darussalam


This paper draws special attention to the term and its application in the Malay Archipelago. So far, no single attempt has been made neither to produce a complete data of `umran nor a comparative study with that of other terms namely hadarah, madaniyyah and tamaddun. The concept of `umran was proposed by Ibn Khaldun in his magnum opus, Muqaddimah, in the 14th century. The aim is to replace the "secular" concept of madaniyyah (civilization) which has its origins in ancient Greece. Modern scholars consider the term `umran to be identical to madaniyyah. However, there are two contradictory views: one that considers 'umran to be synonymous with civilization, and an opposing view, based on a theory known as 'ilm al 'umran, which considers it to be different. Therefore, this study is particularly concerned with the two contradictory views by drawing special attention to Ibn Khaldun`s theory of `umran to determine which of the two views is correct. The method used in this study is the "induction" method of logical reasoning that obtains laws from empirical research findings, unlike "deduction"- a process of reasoning that applies general principles to a particular case. To prove that the method of induction is more effective we use comparative and semantic analysis as a scientific method, and historical facts, as the yardstick to obtain a scientific finding.The objective of this study is to broaden the minds and attitudes of the Muslim peoples in this region, especially in the field of social sciences and to highlight the importance of `umran in the study of human life as a source of religious knowledge and Malay culture in Southeast Asia. Other objectives include highlighting and bringing to light the contributions of Ibn Khaldun in the field of religion, social sciences and the humanities. Finally, it aims at instilling the positive values of `umran in the academia and education of the Muslim World.
Keywords: Ibn Khaldun, `umran, civilization, Islam, Malay Archipelago

Author Biography

Mahayudin Hj. Yahaya, Universiti Islam Sharif Ali, Negara Brunei Darussalam

Fakulti Bahasa Arab dan Tamadun Islam


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How to Cite
HJ. YAHAYA, Mahayudin. The Concept Of 'Umran And Its Application In The Malay Archipelago. Melayu: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-33, jan. 2013. ISSN 2682-8049. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 02 jan. 2025.