Mat Salleh as the Unity Factor of Sabahan in Tibabar: Benteng Terakhir Panglima Mat Salleh Based on New Historicism

  • Muhammad Zahid Bin Mohamad Zaki Universiti Malaya
  • Hashim Ismail Universiti Malaya
  • Madiawati Mamat@Mustafa Universiti Malaya


This objective of this study is to analyse the new interpretation of historical meaning in historical novel, Tibabar: Benteng Terakhir Panglima Mat Salleh (2013) by Roziah Adama. This study was carried out based on previous literary reviews that reveal the changes of local standing upon the famous Sabah fighter, Datu Paduka Mat Salleh before and after Sabah’s merger to form the Federation of Malaysia. Therefore, the interpretation of Datu Paduka Mat Salleh in the novel seems to have been presented in a positive light, and commanded enormous influence as a prominent figure in Sabah’s independence. The newer interpretation of Mat Salleh’s vision in this novel conveys and allows historians and other novelists to grasp the dynamic intellect of our society, so that the material presented is not only enjoyable to read but gives new knowledge. Novels as part of narrative works filled with writer’s ideology coloured by their thoughts about an issue which resonate with their own epistemes. Furthermore, this study utilises the theory of Stephen Greenblatt (1980) as an analytical framework which is the library method and text analysis. The findings show that there is a newer historical representation of Mat Salleh as a figure in the independence of Sabah, and moves away from the established colonial discourse. The findings of the study also show that Datu Paduka Mat Salleh revolt is accepted by his people and influenced by Islamic principle.


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How to Cite
ZAKI, Muhammad Zahid Bin Mohamad; ISMAIL, Hashim; MAMAT@MUSTAFA, Madiawati. Mat Salleh as the Unity Factor of Sabahan in Tibabar: Benteng Terakhir Panglima Mat Salleh Based on New Historicism. Malay Literature, [S.l.], v. 37, n. 1, p. 133-158, june 2024. ISSN 2682-8030. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 oct. 2024. doi: