Editorial Policy

Articles will be reviewed by the editor by suitability for the journal. Articles deemed suitable are then sent for a double-blind peer review to a minimum of two independent experts. Double-blind peer review is important in ensuring the identity of both the reviewer and author remain anonymous to prevent any form of bias. The Editorial team is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles and the decision is final. Articles written by the editorial team members can be considered, but the member is not involved in the publication process of the article.

Manuscripts will be evaluated by the editorial team as well as external reviewers to check:

Authenticity: Submitted manuscript should be authentic, original and have the quality to contribute to the respective field of research.

Significance: The interpretation of the results should be appropriate, credible and supported with evidence. The conclusions must justified and supported by the results.

Layout and Format: The formatting of the manuscript should adhere to the Author Guidelines.

Interest to the Readers/Distinctiveness: The manuscript should fall within the scope of the journal.

Malay or English Level: The Malay or English language used must be clear and understandable.

Benefit of Citation to the Journal: Significantly increase citation of the journal.

Reviewers are asked to evaluate the quality of the manuscript, then provide a recommendation on whether a manuscript can be accepted, requires revisions, or should be rejected. Double-blind peer review is completed once at least two external reviewers submit their reports with their comments on the article. For the next process, editor may recommend the acceptance or rejection of the articles to Editor-in-Chief based on their own knowledge and expertise. The type of decisions are as follows:

Accept: The article is accepted in its original form. However, this kind of decision is quite uncommon.

Accept with minor revisions:  The article is accepted for publication after minor modifications or adjustments.

Accept after major revisions: The article is accepted after major amendments. The revision mostly consists of technical aspect, insufficient data, require extensive analysis and modification of research questions in order to make sure that the article is distinguished in the specific field of work.

Revise and resubmit: The article might be reconsidered in a next round of decision-making if thorough revision of the article is carried out.

Reject the manuscript: The article is rejected with no opportunity of resubmission to the journal.

The comments of the reviewers are checked by the editorial team. The review reports that contain sensitive information or are written in an unsuitable manner will be amended in order to prevent misinterpretation by the author. However, the comments is still accessible for editors’ review.