Execution of Hibah Amanah as an Instrument of Islamic Property Management in Malaysia

(Pelaksanaan Hibah Amanah sebagai Suatu Instrumen Pengurusan Harta Islam di Malaysia)

  • Akmal Hidayah Halim International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Tajul Aris Ahmad Bustami International Islamic University Malaysia


The use of hibah amanah has become an alternative in the Islamic property management in Malaysia. Hibah amanah enables a donor to have control over his/her property during his/her lifetime and the donee or beneficiary can only benefit from it upon the death of the donor. On the surface,hibah amanah seems to be inconsistent with the Islamic rules of hibah, wills, trust and inheritance as the donor does not give up his rights or possession of the property during his lifetime even though the donee has the legal capacity to own and manage his property. Hence, this article seeks to examine the implementation of hibah amanah by Muslims in Malaysia and its legality as an instrument of property distribution in Islamic law so that the rights of every entitled person in one's estate may be ascertained and protected.

Keywords:hibah, trust, wills, inheritance,hibah ruqba, Muslim

Author Biographies

Akmal Hidayah Halim, International Islamic University Malaysia

Department of Legal Practice

International Islamic University Malaysia

Rank: Associate Professor Dr

Tajul Aris Ahmad Bustami, International Islamic University Malaysia

Department of Islamic Law

International Islamic University Malaysia

Rank: Assistant Professor Dr


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How to Cite
HALIM, Akmal Hidayah; AHMAD BUSTAMI, Tajul Aris. Execution of Hibah Amanah as an Instrument of Islamic Property Management in Malaysia. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 2, p. 310-335, july 2017. ISSN 2682-8057. Available at: <http://jurnal.dbp.my/index.php/Kanun/article/view/1094>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.