Kesedaran metafora dan pengingatan kosa kata
Pelbagai kata kiasan boleh sahaja digolongkan kepada tema metafora biasa atau sumber bidang. Rencana ini melaporkan tiga uji kaji EFL (English as Foreign Language) yang menunjukkan bahawa pembentukan leksikal bersama-sama (seiring dengan) tema metafora atau sumber mandala boleh memudahkan pengingatan kata-kata kiasan yang tidak biasa. Sehubungan dengan kajian ini, rencana ini menyarankan kegiatan dalam kelas ke arah mengembangkan kesedaran metafora pelajar bahasa dan menjadikannya satu saluran tambahan untuk pemerolehan kosa kata.
2. Boers, F. 1997. 'No pain, no gain in a free market rhetoric: a test for cognitive semantics?' Metaphor and Symbol 1214: 231-41.
3. Boers, F. 1999. "When a bodily source domain becomes prominent: the joy of counting metaphors in the socio-economic domain' in R. W. Gibbs and G. Steen (eds.): Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 47-56.
4. Boers, F. 2000. 'Enhancing metaphoric awareness in specialised reading.' English For Specific Purposes, 19/2: 137-47.
5. Boers, F. dan M. Demecheleer. 1997. 'A few metaphorical models in (western) economic discourse' dalam W. A. Liebert, G. Redeker and L. Waugh (eds.): Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 115-129.
6. Boers, F. dan M. Demecheleer. 1998. 'A cognitive semantic approach to teaching prepositions.' ELT Journal, 5213: 197-203.
7. Carter, R. dan M. McCarthy. (ed.) 1988. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. London: Longman.
8. Chitra, F. 1996. Idioms and ldiomaticity. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
9. Cooper, T. 1999. 'Processing of idioms by L2 learners of English'. TESOL Quarterly 33/2: 233-62.
10. Cornell, A. 1999. 'Idioms: an approach to identifying major pitfalls for learners'. IRAL 37/l: 1-21.
Deignan, A., D. Gabrys, dan A. Slolska. 1997. 'Teaching English metaphors using cross-linguistic awareness-raising activities' ELT Journal, 5114: 352-60.
11. Donmall, B.G. (ed.). 1985. language Awareness: NCLE Reports and Papers 6. CILT, London.
12. Ellis, N. C. 1994. 'Vocabulary acquisition: the implicit ins and outs of explicit cognitive mediation' dalam N. C. Ellis (ed.): Implicit and Explicit learning of languages. London/San Diego: Academic Press. 211-82.
13. Flores d' Arcais, G. B. 1993. 'The comprehension and semantic interpretation of idioms' dalam C. Cacciari dan P. Tabossi (ed.): Idioms: Processing, Structure, and Interpretation. Hillsdale/London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 79-98.
14. Gibbs, R. W. 1993. 'Why idioms are not dead metaphors' dalam C. Cacciari dan P. Tabossi (ed.): Idioms: Processing, Structure, and Interpretation. Hillsdale/London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 57-76.
15. Goleman, D. 1995. Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.
16. Henderson, W. 1986. 'Metaphor in economics' dalam M. Coulthard (ed.): Talking about Text (Discourse Monograph No 13). Birmingham: English Language Research. 109-27.
17. Hatch, E. and C. Brown. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantics, and language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
18. Hudon, T., M. Haynes, dan J. Coady. (ed.) 1993. Second language Reading and Vocabulary learning. Norwood: Ablex.
19. James, C. dan P. Garrett. (ed.) 1991. language Awareness in the Classroom. London/New York: Longman.
20. Johnson, M. 1987. The Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of meaning, Imagination and Reason. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press.
21. Kellerman, E. 1978. 'Giving learners a break: native language intuitions as a source of predictions about transferability.' Working Papers in Bilingualism 15: 59-92.
22. Kellerman, E. 1987. 'Aspects of transferability in second language acquisition'. Disertasi Ph.D. tidak diterbitkan, University of Nijmegen.
23. Kövecses, Z. 1986. Metaphors of Anger, Pride and love: a lexical approach to the study of concepts. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
24. Kövecses, Z. 1990. Emotion Concepts. New York: Springer.
25. Kövecses, Z. 1995. 'The "container" metaphor of anger in English, Chinese, Japanese and Hungarian' dalam Z. Radman (ed.): From a Meta phorical Points of View: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Cognitive Content of Metaphor, Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. 117-47.
26. Kövecses, Z. dan P. Szabo. 1996. 'Idioms: a view from Cognitive Semantics." Applied Linguistics 17/3: 326-55.
27. Lakoff, G. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: what categories reveal about the mind. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press.
28. Lakoff, G. dan M. Johnson. 1980. Metaphors we Live by. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press.
29. Lazar, G. 1996. 'Using figurative language to expand students' vocabulary.' ELT Journal 5011, 43-51.
30. Lennon, P. 1998. "Approaches to the teaching of idiomatic language' . Iral 36/1, 12-30.
31. Lewis, M. 1993. The Lexical Approach: the state of ELT and a way forward. Hove: Language-Teaching Publications.
32. Lindner, S. 1981. 'A lexico-semantic analysis of verb-particle constructions with Up and Out.' Disertasi Ph.D. tidak diterbitkan, University of California San Diego.
33. Lindstromberg, S. 1997. English Prepositions Explained. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
34. Low, G. 1988. 'On teaching metaphor'. Applied Linguistics 912, 125-47.
35. McCarthy, M. 1990. Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
36. Schmitt, N. dan M. McCarthy. (ed.) 1997. Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
37. Skehan, P. 1998. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
38. Sökmen, A. J. 1997. "Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary' dalam N. Schmitt dan M. McCarthy (ed.): Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 237-57.
39. Swan, M: 1997. 'The influence of the mother tongue on second language vocabulary acquisition and use' dalam Schmitt, N. dan M. McCarthy (ed.): Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 156-80.
40. Thomson, A. J. dan A. V. Martinet. 1980. A Paractical English Grammar 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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